5 Reasons Why Doctors need a Personal Name Website !

5 Reasons Why Doctors need a Personal Name Website !

As a doctor or physician your name is your front line in your branding campaign for your online business (or your offline business’s online presence too) If you do not give careful consideration to this fact .. you might lose out on many new patients to ! INFACT, your...
Don’t understand Digital Marketing ?

Don’t understand Digital Marketing ?

Here’s the lowdown …. Digital Marketing is all about driving the right audience to your website. Marketing on digital platform like internet is called digital marketing! Our Digital Marketing team can help answer any questions you may still have about the...
The Future  of healthcare is DIGITAL !

The Future of healthcare is DIGITAL !

The healthcare business leaders around the world have said that in the post-pandemic world, one thing is evident that digital platform will be the biggest marketplace for healthcare services ! In fact, 81% of healthcare executives say the pace of digital...
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